Mexico construction industry leaders - Abraham Noriega

Since joining Grupo Hermosillo as Development Coordinator in 2019, Abraham Noriega has risen in the company’s technology department. His passion for statistics and data integration led him to become the current leader of the Business Intelligence team. In this interview, Abraham shares his vision of his area’s strategic role in the company’s operations and how he fosters collaboration to fully leverage the insights generated. Keep reading to learn more about his journey.

1. Tell us about your journey within Grupo Hermosillo. How did you become the Director of Business Intelligence?

In 2019, the then-IT Director invited me to take the position of Development Coordinator, and since I already knew the company, I didn’t hesitate to accept. In the following years, I had the opportunity to move through different positions within the technology area, which allowed me to learn about business processes without neglecting the technical side. I have always enjoyed statistics and seeing how numbers tell us stories.

In 2023, I had the opportunity to transition to Business Intelligence, which was very exciting for me and for which I am deeply grateful. It’s been almost two years of challenges, learning, building teams, and striving to be the support area for our collaborators.

2. What is your vision of the role of business intelligence in corporate strategy?

I believe that nothing can replace the experience and intuition of our collaborators, but the best decisions are made in an informed manner. For this reason, business intelligence allows us to enhance our corporate strategy. 

Using business intelligence can help optimize processes, understand the competition, identify trends, get to know our customers, mitigate risks, and improve our planning through projections and predictions. This can be a catalyst and a differentiator between our organization and the competition.

3. How do you promote collaboration between different departments to leverage the insights generated by Business Intelligence entirely?

I believe collaboration is part of Grupo Hermosillo’s DNA. The biggest challenge for our area is not the technological tools but the creation of a culture of data usage that enables critical analysis and decision-making. We aim for our collaborators to use the available information and findings for business decisions.

Rather than fostering collaboration, we are focused on creating an analytical culture. We have high-quality information that other departments can analyze to obtain insights and use to make us more competitive, profitable, and efficient.

4. What strategies do you use to communicate the findings and recommendations derived from business intelligence to business leaders?

In our projects, we have a post-implementation phase called “accompaniment.” This consists of staying in contact with our collaborators, guiding them using the business intelligence tool, and interpreting what they observe. Depending on the analysis performed, we sometimes agree to send periodic emails with key indicators to keep key users informed without needing them to visit our offices.

5. How have Hermosillo’s values influenced your life?

Working in a place where you don’t experience dissonance between your values and what is lived daily among the collaborators is gratifying. From the first day, I was told about the company’s values, which gave me confidence, seeing their interest in the human side.

Later, seeing that people genuinely strive to live out these values made me feel happy to be part of an honest, hardworking, and loyal team. But it also challenges me to become a better person every day, whether as a subordinate, colleague, boss, or friend because we form friendships at work.

6. What motivates you to keep learning and developing yourself?

God and my family. I believe that developing ourselves allows us to fulfill our calling and be more influential. I have been blessed with a family, and my love for them makes me want to keep moving forward. And, of course, it’s impossible to develop without learning. And I’m not just talking about formal learning, but the daily learning we get from interacting with our colleagues and from mistakes. Whether we like it or not, we make mistakes; they are also a source of knowledge.

7. Which aspect of your personality do you attribute most to your success? How has Hermosillo helped you in this regard?

I believe our strengths and weaknesses shape us and function as a whole. Our experiences make us who we are, and I think we can’t attribute success or failure to just one fraction of ourselves; life is more complex than that. Hermosillo gave me the space to grow by trusting me.

Success is a team effort. We are part of something bigger and must recognize the work done as a group. I try to honor the opportunity I’ve been given by seeking to make a difference and giving my best every day. I thank God for allowing me to reach where I am today.

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