
The phenomenon of nearshoring has solidified as a crucial component in the global business landscape, with Mexico emerging as a strategic destination for relocating commercial operations. In this context, the border city of Tijuana has assumed a crucial role as a center of opportunities, according to experts in the field.

Cristina Hermosillo, partner at Grupo Hermosillo and president of the Tijuana Economic and Industrial Development Organization (DEITAC), emphasizes that this trend has spurred new regional investments. “During 2023, over $700 million were allocated towards the construction of new industrial warehouses in Tijuana, surpassing expectations for the period,” she noted.

Furthermore, in an article by Inmobiliare Real State News, Cristina Hermosillo highlights the accelerated work of developers in creating industrial parks, anticipating even greater activity for 2024. “Nearshoring is shaping a new economic landscape for Mexico. While opportunities are abundant, intelligent management by governing bodies will be crucial to ensuring sustainable growth and lasting benefits for the local community,” she adds.

Nearshoring as a Social and Economic Catalyst in Tijuana

On the other hand, Cristina Hermosillo emphasizes that Tijuana is a paradigmatic example of how nearshoring can catalyze a region’s economic and social development. She highlights the presence of highly skilled labor, especially in strategic sectors such as manufacturing, technology, and services, as well as the favorable climatic conditions offered by the area.

“These are essential elements that attract investors from various parts of the world. Currently, companies from Korea, China, and Japan collectively occupy 18% of the industrial space in the region”, she points out.

The impact of nearshoring in Tijuana is not limited solely to the business sphere. The development of skills and the improvement of local infrastructures have experienced significant momentum thanks to this trend.

“The city’s social fabric is enriched as employment opportunities increase and diversify”.

– Cristina Hermosillo

Cristina Hermosillo

Tijuana is positioned as a hub for business operations seeking to capitalize on the advantages of nearshoring. The combination of skilled labor, developing infrastructure, and a business-friendly environment makes this city an indispensable destination for national and international investors.

What is Nearshoring?

The nearshoring phenomenon, which involves relocating business activities to countries with strategically close geographical proximity, lower labor costs, and adequate infrastructure, has gained increasing relevance in the global business scenario. 

This strategy allows companies to reduce operational costs, leverage local talent, and maintain geographical proximity that facilitates the management and supervision of operations. In the case of Mexico, nearshoring has found fertile ground due to its strategic geographical location and the quality of its workforce, making it an attractive destination for the relocation of commercial operations.

Why Tijuana for Nearshoring?

For several reasons, companies should consider nearshoring in Tijuana, Baja California, making this border city an attractive destination for relocating commercial operations.

  • Strategic Location: Tijuana is privileged in its location on the border with the United States. This proximity to one of the world’s largest markets facilitates access to customers, suppliers, and business partners in North America, reducing transportation costs and time.
  • Skilled Workforce: The city boasts a highly skilled workforce in various sectors, such as manufacturing, technology, and services. Proximity to quality educational institutions and technical training programs ensures a constant supply of trained talent to meet the needs of companies.
  • Cultural and Linguistic Proximity: Cultural and linguistic affinity with the United States facilitates communication and collaboration between teams from both countries. This cultural proximity also helps minimize barriers to managing and supervising commercial operations.

Hermosillo: Driving Mexico’s Development

In Hermosillo, we boast a trajectory of over 60 years, characterized by a steadfast commitment to the country’s development. Our extensive experience and focus on excellence enable us to offer specialized services to foreign companies looking to leverage the advantages of nearshoring in Mexico; thanks to the strategic location of our four regional offices, we can provide personalized service to our customers in any city throughout Mexico.

The cornerstone of our work is customer experience. We ensure that each project is delivered with the highest quality, on time, and within the agreed budget. To achieve this, we employ cutting-edge technology to visualize the project in detail from pre-construction stages. This way, our clients can make a more precise decision with the complete information of their project.

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