Building design technology
Reading time: 3 minutes

The COVID-19 outbreak dazzled the entire world. It has impacted the way we run our daily lives; from the excessive –but necessary– hand-washing practice, to social distancing (a true challenge for Mexico’s culture), and of course, work-life. Businesses from every industry are facing the challenge to reshape their way of working. Firstly, to guarantee the safety of customers and employees. Secondly, to stay productive and profitable. 

The construction industry is no exception. With lots of ongoing projects, deadlines, and hundreds of people depending on us, we just can’t stop working altogether. 

At Hermosillo, we have kept our focus on our most important elements: our people and our clients. We implemented new hygiene guidelines, along with enhanced safety policies; but what is helping us go through all of this process is in the way we normally do things. In this post, we are going to talk about how our technological acumen and work culture have contributed to facing this global crisis. 

Value of BIM

Through our culture and technology, we are aiming to keep employees safe and deliver our promise to our clients. We are coordinating communication between teams with a centralized model of information: BIM. The goal is to provide a crystal-clear visualization of the project to everyone involved, including our customers and stakeholders. 

Therefore, data has to be accurate. We work hard to maintain real-time quality information on the status of the project, so feedback is given in the fastest way possible. Work gets done faster and with the least amount of physical interaction. 

To do this, we focus on these 4 subjects. 

  1. Team management

    Communication between interdisciplinary teams is key to the success of any project. For this reason, we review project updates via Webex and video conference. Having remote meetings together with BIM 360, allows us to be up to date in the processes of each discipline, and improve communication. Therefore, distance does not become a barrier

  2. Design Process

    From Revit Cloud Worksharing we can collaborate on Revit models in the cloud. We can co-create models centralizing all project design data. All team members are collaborating on the same Revit model. As a result, there are fewer re-works and communication errors. It allows us to speed up deadlines and obtain an enhanced project workflow. 

  3. Real-time information and feedback from our client

    For us, is very important that our client visualizes the work we do on the go to avoid steps in the wrong direction. With BIM’s worldwide accessibility, anyone can access the project’s files anywhere in the world, even on mobile. Our client can give us feedback on the color of the dining hall from his cell phone while he’s preparing dinner for his family. 

  4. Project Management

    With BIM 360, we oversee specific details of every project, including data on risk detection, quality, and safety. As everyone involved has the same model on their computer, there’s greater model coordination that allows the detection of current conflicts. 

    We also are capable of managing on-site communication with checkup lists, incidents, and daily records.

    Cost Management is also possible. We track changes in budgets and costs, coordinate modification orders, and determine the impact of each change.

Wrapping up…

In these times of crisis, we are working hard to keep our promises, to secure the health of our clients and employees without compromising quality. Technology has become our strongest ally to achieve it. Through the years, we’ve been actively developing a work culture deeply based on tech. It has helped us deliver an enhanced project experience, where communication and collaboration are key. Now, in this complex environment, that work has strengthened our response.

We are sure that we’ll be able to deliver what we do best, work-class projects done right from the first time. 

But most importantly, we truly wish you and your family health and stability. Stay safe and if you can, stay home. 

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