Clean Rooms: Medical Device Manufacturing
Clean rooms Case Study

Clean Rooms are special projects due to the distinct set of requirements that each client presents. These rooms are used to execute very intricate and detailed labor, within a strict air-quality environment. Therefore, their level of singularity is what turns them into a precise and deft process. The design and construction of these areas require us to consider the intended use, permissible particle concentration (ppm), location, manufacturing process, cost, and time. 

Each of these variants fluctuates heavily depending on the industry. They are needed in many, such as pharmaceuticals, medical device manufacturing, scientific research, chemical processing, and electronics manufacturing. And each one comes with its own set of challenges. 


As we mentioned before, the challenges rely on the room’s nature and the standards it must live up to. 

However, one requirement every Clean Room must comply with is air particle control. A Clean Room is an area where air particles are controlled for specific use. To minimize the introduction, generation, and retention of new particles inside the room, you must control: 

  • Differential pressure between areas
  • Air changes per hour
  • HEPA / ULPA filtering
  • Interlock systems for access

Moreover, timing is also a factor of success. When working on a tight schedule the process can get complicated. For this reason, it is crucial to operating under a thorough work plan. In these cases, our LEAN Construction and BIM 360 frameworks assist us to deliver on-time and on-budget projects. 


The key to successfully developing a Clean Room, as we have learned, is communication. Given the specific nature and according to the final devices that will be produced, we must cater to the needs of those who will be using them. Close collaboration with the client’s team and ours has been crucial. For this reason, we guarantee stretch communication from beginning to project delivery. 

We have built Clean Rooms for a wide range of medical device manufacturers. Among them, are apnea treatment devices, pacemakers and caterers, blood handling instruments, and disposable probes, and pressure gauges. Each project is under local and international guidelines, such as ISO clean room standards.

Our Clean Room facilities, production standards, and dedication to quality mean our clients can confidently rely on us. We are experts in creating and developing within optimal conditions to achieve neatness in the space that our client requires.

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